Zebrafish Optic and Ocular branches
Contributors: Lydia Gregg MA, CMI, FAMI, David T. White PhD, Gerard A. Lutty PhD & Jeff S. Mumm PhD

Similar to humans, the developing zebrafish eye is supplied by the intraocular hyaloid vasculature, the superficial ciliary vasculature, and the morphologically distinct choroidal vasculature. Here we provide a summary of the development of these vessels based on an observational study in collaboration with the Mumm Lab in the Johns Hopkins Department of Ophthalmology funded by the Johns Hopkins Catalyst Award program. Time-lapse confocal microscopy datasets of the ocular vasculature in transgenic zebrafish lines were acquired in vivo. Segmentations of these high-resolution datasets were performed, and surface models were exported for 3D visualization.
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