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As part of the study, we developed a 3D-printed model of the ventricular system of a newborn pig. The hollow model was filled with fluid mimicking cerebrospinal fluid to investigate parameters that affect biodistribution of injected human glial progenitor cells within the ventricular system. The use of animal models in research incurs high costs and can be time and resource intensive due to the need to follow important regulatory guidelines. The 3D-printed phantom served as a robust, reproducible, and cost-saving alternative to in vivo animal studies for determining optimal injection parameters. High-resolution 3D-printed models can reduce or replace the use of animal models for certain types of experiments including anatomical feasibly studies and other types of radiological research. Contact us for more information on creating research models.
Citation: Srivastava R, Jablonska A, Chu C, Gregg L, Bulte J, Koehler RC, Walczak P, Janowski M. Biodistribution of glial progenitors in a 3D printed model of the piglet cerebral ventricular system. Stem cells and development. 2019 Feb 14(ja).